Sunday, September 4, 2011

CHRONICLES OF CHINA pt 1 #the Journey !!

I hope I can post part 2 soon. With that many people in China, its only right that I have a lot of stuff to write about. :))

You see when you take a flight and just when its about to move, directions are given on a screen on how to use the air masks and emergency exits and stuff ? Good. So we get on the flight, this Swedish lady comes to stand in the center of the airplane and starts using sign language to demonstrate. Wait !! “which airline ticket did I buy? Handicap or Death people ?“ I thought to myself. Just when I did, instructions started to come from the pilot. Now my thoughts changed to “What kind of ghetto-ass “Soul Plane” airline is this?, they cannot afford flat-screens to show this?”. That was my first disappointment; and that was only my first flight from Gothenburg to Stockholm, quick 45 minute flight :)

Now from Stockholm-Sweden to Beijing-China; a straight 8-9 hours AIRCHINA flight. As a male, I always take note of air hostess. Usually the have the hottest and nicest woman ever. NO NO, not in AirChina. Haha. Not saying the hostess in that flight weren't nice, they really were but “hot” was the problem. Anyway I got to sit with this young Japanese dude. I was happy about that because you never want to sit with old people on a flight just because you are so nice to them but they are never nice to you. They can get up every 5 minutes and give you that “I am old, my bladder is weak” kinda speech, but once you get up twice, they give you that “I am old, why are you letting me stand so much” speech, you know. Lol

So my man's name was Kikuchi Yoshihiro. He was 19 years. I didn't hesitate to introduce myself and as I had expected, he was really receptive and in no time we were talking about girls already ;) His name was gonna be problem so I opted to give him a nickname, I chose “Kiki” and he liked it. Kiki and I agreed on the hottest among the air hostess, so that was a good Kiki's english wasn't that good, so at some point, I had to write some of the questions I wanted to asked him, he could read better than speak. “Which country has the nicest girls ? Japan or China?” I asked. He said “I have no idea” and just when the pretty hostess we had agreed on came to serve, he said “I think its China”. I said “Damn man, you people must really be deprived of pretty girls in Japan, aren't you?” hehe
When I bought the ticket, I chose “Muslim food”. Basically that means I don't eat pork. So they come to serve us food, Kiki opens his and its pretty nicely made so I was excited about it. I open mine and it's nothing but some vegetables and some potatoes. I asked the lady “Excuse me, what is this? vegetarian food?”. Lol. She says “No, its Muslim, isn't that what you chose?”. Long story short, I was mad as hell as I chewed down some dry vegetables like a farm animal while Kiki gobbled down his chicken meat and rice. The way Kiki eats is pretty disturbing; really fast, face down, staring at the food the entire time; it was more like a wrestling match to be honest. I kept saying to myself “Thank God this dude comes from Japan, he sure cannot handle hunger in Somali”. Haha
Two more things got me a bit distressed on the flight, I realized that announcements were pretty long In Chinese but really short when they translated. They could say 2 minutes long Chinese and just say “We will arrive in 5 minutes” in English. I kept wondering if these people were planning an exit strategy and wanted to leave my black ass behind. Lol. Also, times announced were never reached exactly, they could say we will fly in 5 minutes but flew in 20. That is ghetto for real y'all. Haha !!

So after 8 hours, we arrive in Beijing. Nice and Simply made airport. After passing through the security checkpoints, I realize the Chinese are serious about security. THEY DONT PLAY. Unlike other airports, their security neither smile at you nor pamper you at all. They are mean as hell, and understandably so. There was one guy sitting behind the desk at the first checkpoint but once I got there, another one comes to stand next to me. “Oh damn, what these folk about to do” I thought. So I got my smiley face on but they still didn't grin. One guy asks me “Is this is your first time in China”, I said “Yesirr”, then he asks again, I say the same. He asks the 3rd time and I reply “YES”. That was when I knew these guys ain't here for no games. At the second checkpoint, they took out everything liquid on you and threw it out. This really old Chinese man had water on him, they told him to either drink it all or throw it out. He opted to drink, had problems finishing it, but forced it. Right after, he started to cough and everyone in line was disturbed as to what was happening. “He was not gonna die on us, is he". So strangers in line tried to help him but the security could care less. They didn't even flinch or try to help. It was confirmed that “These Chinese dudes are SERIOUS about their security”. No wonder they blocked all social networking websites in their country; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube....etc. :((

So In all, AIRCHINA was pretty good. I think I will stick with it anytime I fly in and of China. At least they got me writing stories for myself and you guys to read :) One thing I also liked was that, I think Chinese security use racial profiling in their security checks. For example,they checked me thoroughly during passport checks BUT almost did nothing with frisking and baggage checks like they did the Asians and the white folks. I bet they knew BOMBS and BLACKS don't go together. You can't really blame them, can you? When have you ever heard a black dude bomb anything in your entire life. First of all, you gotta be on time with a bomb and thats gonna be a major problem. haha. That ain't our thing. Perhaps, they thought passport-fraud was, no wonder they hard-checked me on that side. Haha

I hooked y'all up with some pictures of my journey, Part 2 of this post will be about lifestyle in China and how Chinese people do. Hope you'd like it :))

Thanks for reading y'all........ONE LOVE !!

Me and my hommies/basketball goons - the day i left :(

my father from another grandmother with a different color - KP y'all

My Swedish family - sad i was leaving them but baby ZION was happy tho

There we go again - see the baby's mowhawk ? thats natural y'all. lol

Me and Kikuchi, Japanese dude i told y'all about :)

They call this Muslim food ? Vegetarians don't even eat this. haha

Thats the paper Kikuchi and I were writing on. Now you believe me ? lol

Finally in Chengdu - my first diiner in China. pretty nice huh :)

Thats my room y'all. All set up. well not yet, ALMOST :))


  1. pretty interesting journey u had going on there. haha

  2. Salaam, ur comments have been well read, we thank Allah u have been accomodating, may he protect us all to live to enjoy the fruits of our labour, send ur cell fone no.n ur address to us. Have a nice time and study well. regards.
