Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hi y'all,

This note was inspired by a stand up comedy I watched, where this female comedienne was talking about stuff ladies go through in their relationships. Even though it was really funny, I picked up a few pointers and added things I have experienced or seen others experience. I like these kinds of conversation because its real and its something I talk a lot about with the hommies because there is no definite answer or way around it.

Now, I guess you can call it the dos and donts in a relationship. Of course this is relative, and it depends on the kind of man you are with and the culture they come from., these things I am going to list are things I have seen people have problems with, in their relationships and I know a lot of y'all will relate to them.

1. No smoking. A guy definitely is not going to take you seriously if you smoke. That's a NO NO. personally i wouldn't SERIOUSLY date a girl who drinks either, but if u do drink, u have got to know how to handle you and your drink. Living in Sweden right now, I realized this does not really hold in this part of the world, so this point is exclusive to my Ghanaian people or others with common culture.

2. Stop bragging about things you do for yourself, because men need to be needed.

3 A man will give a woman he LOVES what she needs, wants and desires as long as she doesn't KEEP asking him. If u need a new refrigerator, bring him a hot drink and expect a fridge to show up at your door.

4.Ladies, SILENCE is the last word, even you are arguing with us. we hate it when you shout too much because it DRIVES US CRAZY. But when y'all are silent, we get scared, we think you don't care anymore and there's nothing a guy fears more than thinking his girl is looking somewhere else.

5. NEVER say anything about a man's mother or parent...whether he shows his open affection for her or not, he LOVES her. Even if he doesn't know her, he still does. ITS NATURAL.

6. EVERY GIRL isn't your friend ladies, so WATCH YOUR BACK. Maybe she is studying you, she wants to be like you, wants your man or wants to upgrade her profile just by hanging with you. Deep down, ladies know who their real friends are, probably someone you've known for years, someone you go church and also party with, that girl that does everything for you, backs you even when you are wrong and might probably lend you her weave. haha

7.Ladies, have our back. Believe in your man because men don't really have anyone to talk to. You have your girlfriends to lean on and cry on their shoulders. A man cannot go to his friend and cry about a breakup...his friends will probably go like "MY FRIEND, SHUT UR BITCH-ASS UP" and run around tell all the other guys that he was crying over some girl. So please have our back, believe in us and let us dream.


1. TRY to keep yourself nice all the time ladies, even if you are married. Survey shows that, married men are more 'hunters' than single men. Believe it or not, men like what they see and women like what they hear. So TRY to keep looking good for yourself and your man because that's what attracted him to you in the first place. No man wants to come home and see his woman all messed up

2. And ladies, you don't need a man to make you the woman that you are. It is you who make you the woman you are, we just feed off your energy.

3. Always look good for yourself, because when you look good, you feel good. Build a strong self esteem and just don't just settle for any man just because you are single. Set "reasonable" standards.

4. Learn how to dress. this is where ladies get it twisted. Its not the finger nail extensions, eyebrow shaving, the weird make up and the skimpy clothes that makes one beautiful and attractive. Personally, I don't like any of that and not a lot of guys will introduce you to MAMMA looking like a tramp stamp.

This is all I can say for now. I am sorry this note is a bit lengthy but I tried to make it as precise as possible. I hope this will be of some help because that is exactly what I want this to do.



  1. lovely !!! I guess u've said it all. so what's next???

  2. more to come stay tuned. :)

  3. U said it all bt why is dis only to gals..wat happens to d boys?? am waitin to see a note on a real woman's perspective too..

  4. hehe. i am not a woman so i cannot write objectively on that...but i can tell my women how men play the game so they can win with the men. lol

  5. I dig, looking froward to more...........
