Saturday, January 15, 2011


hey y'all

This particular topic, Sense of Humor (SOH), is very personal & passionate to me and it has being on my mind for quite sometime now so I guess i have to say "Thank God for blogs" because I now have a platform to share.

Being a person with quite a good sense of humor. I realise a lot of people have this quality, while a large of number of people also do not, understandably so, and THAT'S WHERE THE PROBLEM is!!
I think SOH is innate, its not really something one can literally learn but its definitely something one can perfect or improve.

Personally, I think I get mine from my Dad who is really humorous, which gets on my nerves sometimes, as ironic as that sounds. Being a person who loves stand-up comedy, I kinda enhance my SOH with watching comedy and with anything I watch and listen to: a movie, a song or regular conversation with people.

NOW this blog is actually not to talk about my SOH but to help others without it have a better understanding to what it is and hopefully help them enhance what is already innately in them, i.e., HUMOR, which I believe everyone has.
I actually chose to do this piece on SOH because of the trouble it has caused a lot of people including myself, when someone doesn't comprehend your SOH and takes it offensive. This indeed is a common thing that any "funny" person experiences, where listeners or readers cannot connect the dots in a joke or take things too personally.

Depending what kinda sex you are, this problem is usually frequent with the opposite sex. My own issues with my SOH is nothing to be underestimated, especially on our very own addictive-drug called FACEBOOK. The toughest repercussion I have had to incur was being removed from this girl's friend list. Other minor ones include, non-responding chats, angry-status-comments...etc and some requested that I apologize to be reconsidered as a Facebook friend...3y3 as3m oo. 👅
In my opinion, I think its because people take themselves way too seriously totally unnecessary (that will be another discussion for another day).

Wondering why this is so, I came across some pointers that might help people and all of us really enhance our SOH. Going through them, I noticed these are exactly things you realize about people who have amazing sense of humor. Here we go !!
  • You gotta learn the art of smiling. Life is easier, healthier and better when laughter is frequent.
  • Treat yourself with comedy. I call this comedy-hollywood. It could be stand-up comedy or funny movies or anything that makes you laugh, because these funny moments in these movies are actually things that happen in real life. Hence it enables you see the humor in some real life events that you would normally frown upon. Here is an example..."About a year ago, we lost power in our house in Gothenburg because our landlady had forgotten to pay the light bill. This went on for a couple of weeks until me and my boy Teddy's "hood life" kicked in. We took about 4 extensions, connected them to some external sockets on our corridor of our apartment buidling and had some light in our room. Our landlady came at night and saw the long cable extensions from the corridor and flipped out. I mean she was so mad she wanted to kick us out of the apartment. She was scared of what her neighbors might think, but changed her mind becauase I guess she needed the rent money. A few days after, we watched this comedy by Eddie Griffin talking about differences between white folks and black folks and cited this EXACT example, He said "when a black dude loses power, he just connects his extensions to his neighbors and probably subsidizes his neighbors light bills for the month, while a white person will likely get depressed over it and commit suicide". that was just a funny bit but we realized it was exactly what had happened in our situation. From then onward, the incident became funny as hell, even though it was really serious the first couple of days.
  • Find humor in embarrassing moments because I believe every embarrassing moment is funny. Why do you think your friends laugh at your embarrassing moments? You just have see past the embarrassment and enjoy the humor in it. Its healing. So another true story: Still in Gothenburg, I enter the washroom at school, right. I was in so much hurry to use it I forgot to lock the door behind me. This girl in my class entered and saw me with my pants down and everything. Y'all should have seen the look on her face. I still don't know if she smiled because she liked what she saw or didn't. Me and my boys laugh at this incident all the time even though its was really embarrassing, but hey LIFE GOES ON. 
  • When you think someone is trying offend you, always respond with humor first. That's the only way you can determine if the person is actually trying be offensive or if he's just being funny. More importantly, it's the best way to disarm a person who indeed is trying to be offensive. You cant laugh at a person who laughs at himself. Got it ?
One personal thing I realized about people with great sense of humor is that: They do not hold back what they really want to say. Thinking too much and trying to find out if your every word is going to offend someone is just a recipe for disaster, plus it doesn't make for great conversation. I believe funny is funny and a joke is a joke, be it religious, racial...etc. Personally, I think racial jokes are the best. I use them all the time and that doesn't make me racist.

Having great sense of humor is all about TIMING. You've got to know when to say things. SO Ladies and Gentlemen, get your funny on. Aside all the aforementioned positives, it also scores the most points with the guys and girls respectively. Every girl wants a funny guy and vice-versa.


Since being funny doesn't end with Jail time like being dangerous, that is your best bet. Lol


1 comment:

  1. This is funny !! have had the same problem before.
