Sunday, August 28, 2011

ALL TOO SOON #Memories !!

I will be leaving here in a couple of days to conquer another continent. I will send y'all pictures of my new home in my next post. So these are flashes of memory as well as a goodbye message to all my friends currently living in Sweden where I am. If you are not here, kill yourself. 😜
  • In the second year of my study I met this Chinese Associate prof. He asked my name and I told him “Mubarak”, then he said “No the full name”, I said “Mubarak Sani Ellis”. He started laughing and said “Just 3 words ?You are playing, ain't u?”, I said “No I am not” and he says “Aren't you African, I heard you people have like 100 words in your names”. Funny enough, his name was Jian Yang. I wanted to reply “Really, I heard you people have only 2 alphabets in your names too, like “Yu Ho or Yu As Ol” Thank God I didn't. I would have probably failed his course terribly.

  • Recently I talked to his one girl. She asked me where I was from and I said Ghana. Then she asked “Is it true that Africans live in some desert with no clothes and just something to cover their private parts?” That was a funny one, it made me laugh quite a bit. I wanted to reply “Yes we do, I actually swam a desert of sand to get here” but I didn't. In our conversation we talked a little about sports too and I told her I play basketball. She said “Don't you have to be tall to play basketball?” I thought to my myself; wow!! can this girl be anymore disrespectful? But I understood her, its kinda different when a language isn't your first, I am the first to admit that because I sometimes sound rude when I speak Swedish and I never realize it, so it was cool. Plus she was a nice person, even though she got me mad at my height for a few seconds. 

  • Assal is this really nice girl I became friends with a couple of months ago; probably the coolest girl I met here, and there are not a lot of them around. So Assal is one of those girls who likes to hug right. I didn't see Assal much, probably 3 or 4 times the entire time, but I think I hugged her more than I have hugged anyone my entire life. Hugging Assal is a bitter-sweet feeling. The bitter part is just before the hug and the sweet part is right after she squeezes. Bitter because; Assal is bigger and taller than I am, I am a small dude so hugging her made me feel like a kid in her arms, u know. That was never a good feeling. The Sweet part was that; Assal is blessed with double B's, if you know what I mean. My cheeks always ended on these double B's and my face always beamed with smiles. Just when I am enjoying myself quite a bit, we had to break off, like she knew exactly what I was thinking. God! I hope she doesn't see this before I see her again tomorrow, if she doesn't hug me, then she probably did, damn. Wish me luck guys. Haha

  • So a couple of quick ones. I was at a party one time where we were going to be served food. It was four people to one tray of food. So I join this table with this Asian dude and 2 Arab guys. The food comes, this Asian dude picks up all the meat in the food, chews everything, stands up and walks the heck off. We couldn't believe what had just happened. 😞 
    I love Hassan, that's my boy for sure. I don't drink but Hassan does. Hassan is the most uncomfortable person to be with when he has a little too much to drink. He is those kind of people who squeeze and kiss you all over your face when intoxicated. He literally turns into a white girl, and not just that, he sees me as one too; trying to kiss my cheeks every damn time. Till today, he never understands why I walk two feet away from him after a party.

  • I love Chinese people. Socially, they just like Africans. You can just meet one randomly on the streets and have conversation like you've known each other for years. I became friends with Fan, a friend of my roommate. Till today, he never understands why the first question I asked him was “Do you know any martial arts?” I bet you guys are wondering the same too. Well, Fan has an interesting name “Fan” and I knew I would be messing with him the moment he told me. So I had to be sure if he knew how to fight because I didn't want to be kicked in the face. “So Fan, you know I broke the fan in my room today right. I am a big fan of air conditioners but I fancy fans more because fans are fantastic. What do u think about my fan, Fan ? Is it fun, I think it is, right Fan ?”...Fan has a sense of humor, thank God for that. If not, I would be stitched up in the hospital by now. I'll miss teasing Fan.

I have a full book but I didn't want to bore you guys so I'm going to keep it short. But nonetheless, I love all the people I talked about, those I didn't and everyone else I came in contact with; Dawda with his fat ass, yes he is a man y'all, I was just as surprised *PAUSE*, Krister, Ehsan, Tobias, Olov, Ivy, Oliver. All my Pakistani friends; Kashan and co. – I love y'all. My Chinese friends Yixiao and co., my Iranians, Assoc. Prof. Vessen and everyone I came in contact with. I got nothing but 50 kilogram of concrete love for y'all........and I will miss you all.

Thanks for reading y'all.......ONE L.O.V.E ✌✌!!

Brothers !!

We did awesome in this race, didnt we? we represented our Department pretty well

Olov's birthday night

my hommies Hassan and Dawda. See how small they made me look

project work at ERICSSON with KASHAN !!

Our last day together....Olov's presentation..Olov, Ehsan, Me, Oliver, Tobias and Ivy :))

My master thesis presentation. I was nervous as hell but the picture doesn't show, does it?

Alumni of Chalmers University of Technology..this place gave me headaches, glad I made it through.

Father from another grandmother with a different color...Kristen Petersson !!

My Thail friend, Adisak Romputtal.......Love you bro. You were good to me !!

Teddy's graduation after-party with my GH. boyz and Robert repping for Zambia

Mandoza, Moe Slow, Me, Khaled......My birthday Barbeque

Monday, August 8, 2011

All men cheat, Period ?

 So this past couple of weeks, this has been a trending topic with all the females I talked to. "ALL MEAN CHEAT" is the slogan on these girls' crests. One girl was so frustrated with it that she decided to date females now, and she was not kidding, at least she didn't smile when she said it.

"I know my man is cheating on me and its fine because all men cheat anyway"......This is exactly the kind of notion I wouldn’t want women to develop because it makes you settle for a lesser standard than you deserve in a man. I believe every woman should keep a standard and men will respect them for holding them up to their standards.

With that being said. I believe a LOT Of guys do actually have affairs outside their relationships. I am not an expert on why it is so but I will just give my honest experience on ONE reason why it is so. To begin with, Steve Harvey - the renowned comedian and talk show host wrote in his New York Times best-selling book ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN, that "men cheat because there are a lot of women willing to cheat with them”. That is the point I want to highlight.

So I am at a party, met this girl I met a week before and we started talking. Long story short, she eventually tells me "I am looking for this guy Martin", I asked "Oh is that your boyfriend?", "Nooo, just a guy I found for the night" she replied. Like that wasn't enough, she said "I can't find him but I can go home with you if you want". Surprisingly that wasn't the only girl I met who proposed 'a fun night' if you know what I mean. Point is, how many guys, whether single, married, engaged or whatever will turn down 'opportunities' like this? And I bet this same girl is one of those complaining over unfaithful men. Then I guess some women actually help guys cheat, as Steve wrote. Just for the record, I didn't go home with her or any of them because I don't role like that, so Mamma if you are reading this, your son is still straight. haha

That notwithstanding, some guys are 'dogs' for no reason. Whether there is a lady to aid in cheating or not, they look to cheat, and that’s terrible. But the situation would and could be a lot better if our ladies would keep a high standard of themselves. ALL MEN ARE NOT CHEATERS, the moment you let that notion that we are, stick, you start settling for cheaters while there are tons of other good and honest men looking to date women like yourselves.

I love the females and I wish y'all the best in your relationships.

Thanks for reading y'all......Love 👫