Sunday, September 23, 2018

Law of Conservation of Energy

This one is titled "Law of Conservation of Energy". It's about time I hit my readers with some Science talk. After-all Physics was my favorite subject in school. This law states that "Energy cannot be created or destroyed. But it can be transferred from one place to another" OR "...but it can be transformed from one form to another". Everybody and their Mother has heard about this in one way or another, even if they've never sat in a science class. But would you believe me if I told you this statement also applies to our daily lives and not just physics or some electromagnetic phenomena? Like I always say, anyone who invented something scientific just had to look at human behavior to realize that their invention was right under their nose the entire time, and not in years spent in a science lab. Well, that's just my personal opinion. If you don't believe me, look at the Faraday's Law. Everything about the Faraday's law screams: Male/Female Intimacy.....but that's an X-rated topic for another day. Here I go digressing.

Have you ever wondered why you feel positive just being around certain people? We all have that friend that always keeps a smile on our face. Their positive energy rubs off of us from being around them. Alternatively, we all have negative mood-killing friends too. All these emotions/feelings/energies can transfer from individual to individual when they are around each other. Nowadays, generally, you cannot be alone even if you want to. We are interacting with hundreds of people via social media, i.e., looking at stories, pictures, videos, texts, etc. At any point in time, one is looking at 10 different emotions. Your friend Nana-Yaw posts a picture from that job you always wanted, Adwoa posts a video on her way to a wedding wearing her favorite outfit, Mary posts a picture of her dad's funeral. Maame Yaa, the girl you dislike, posts a story about her date-night with the caption "When your hubby gives you everything you want in the world", Barak posts a couple of gym pictures showing how ripped he's looking while you are sick of the 10kg-fat you've gained in the past month, Edem posts a picture of his new car, Sharon posts a quotation from Exodus about how merciful God has been. Finally, Reina posts a funny video and it gets you cracking up for a quick second. In a span of 1-minute, you've gone through an emotional rollercoaster. From happiness, maybe jealousy, sorrow, anger, to envy, fatigue, to demotivation, motivation, and to laughter. These are all energies transferred from different situations you  are connected to. So guess how many emotional changes you'll go through in a day when you spend a ton of time running through people's 'lives' on social media? That's an insane amount of emotional change. I know it might seem like one isn't affected. One might even think they have thick-skin but again Energy cannot be destroyed. You are being affected either physically, mentally or psychologically and you just don't realize it yet. What's worse is: the addiction. I am no medical professional but I know for certain that human emotions aren't supposed to be in constant gear-change like that. That'll lead to depression. Next thing you know, you feel the need to post on your own social media just to fit in like everybody else, or make your life seem great like everybody else, want sympathy or validation like everybody else, to not show your flaws and failures like everybody else. As my favorite artiste, Nas, said in the song Everything, "People will do anything to be a part of everything. Inclusion is a hell of a drug"......that's real. 

Nobody has time but everybody has time. We've all become attached to this thing so much that we are losing sleep, losing focus, losing precious time, losing friends, not getting our priorities in check, getting addicted, living a lie, and going through unhealthy emotional rollercoasters we are not even aware of. That is scary. Zoo Animals we've all become. Damn. This is not to let you think about deleting your social media. Hell, I won't even delete mine. But just be aware. Be in control. Be you. Lower your gaze, as the Muslims say. That is key.

Oh! Nas just posted an Instagram story. Got to go check it out. And oh! follow me on @mubaraks_mind and @sultan_drinks_ghana on Instagram. WHAT IRONY. haha

Stay Positive.......Thanks for reading y'all.........Love!!


"A report by the Royal Society for Public Health in the UK surveyed 1500 young people (14 - 24 years) to determine the effects of social media on issues such as anxiety and depression, self-esteem and body-image. Their findings show that YouTube had the most positive impact while Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat all had negative effects on mental health"

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