Saturday, November 9, 2019


Anybody who knows me or has at least read my blog knows that I am a big standup comedy fan. I get a lot of inspiration from watching comics perform. Partly because they are very raw and direct with their thoughts, which is a trait I like to think I possess. They are also very uncensored - At least my favorite ones are:  Dave Chappelle and Bernie Mac

I recently watched a bit that Bernie Mac performed and I was inspired to write this post. I have been wanting to write this for a long time now but I was never really driven to do it until I saw Bernie's bit on the Kings of Comedy Tour, the highest-grossing stand-up tour ever. The bit he did was basically centered on things that he wished would change. Even though they were quite petty and funny, they were profound. This inspired me to write this piece on things I wish would change in my environment, country, and community. I call this: I HAVE A DREAM.

"I have a dream" is a famous phrase that was made popular by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jnr, popularly known as MLK. MLK was very famous for his contributions to the American Civil Rights movements in the 1960s. He is mainly credited with emancipating Black-Americans in the United States from slavery. In 1963, MLK spoke of his dream of a United States that is void of racial discrimination, and segregation. He gave this speech while 250,000 people had gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Below are some of his words from his famous speech:

"I have a dream, that one day, my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"

"I have a dream, that one day, this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold the truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal"

"I have a dream, that one day, on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood"

These were, and still to this day, very profound and earnest words. Rest in peace, The Great Dr. King.

After watching that hilarious comedic clip from Bernie who also stated some hilarious dreams of his. I have some dreams on my own that I feel aren't as crucial as MLKs but are just as profound. Here there go:
  • I have a dream, that one day, fat people will know their place, and wear clothes that are appropriate for their body type.
  • I have a dream, that one day, women will understand that your man doesn't have to text you just because his WhatsApp status says "online". There are 100s of contacts in his phone: Mum, brother, sister, Dad, friends, boss, colleagues, employees, random people, etc. Hell, he had a life before you, didn't he?
    • I have a dream, that one day, fat people will stop being the ones causing scenes at fast-food restaurants. If somebody is going to be mad at the waitress for delaying their order, I need the fat people to not be the ones to raise the tantrum. It just doesn't look right.
    • I have a dream, that one day, people will stop counting other people's pockets. Trying to figure out how much money they have.
    • I have a dream, that one day, women will stop wearing wigs. Come on, rock a baldie if you have to. 
    • I have a dream, that one day, after a man and a woman have discussed and gotten past a problem, the woman will not bring it back up every 6 months just to rub it in. I say woman because men usually don't do that. If you do so as a man, you are A SUCKER, the worse kind.
    • I have a dream, that one day, our people will stop acting like crabs in a bucket
    • I have a dream, that one day, men will stop wearing pants that stop before their ankle
    • I have a dream, that one day, my people will stop spending excessive amounts of money on funerals. The person is dead. Bath him, bury him, pray for him and focus on the living. 
    • I have a dream, that one day, women will STOP pressuring men to do lavish weddings just because their friends did. This isn't a 100-meter race where you are crowned the winner. This is life.
    • I have a dream, that one day, men will stop hating and snitching on other men for a woman's favor or romantic opportunity. This happens among men more than you think.
    • I have a dream, that one day, parents will speak their native tongue with their babies at home. When did it ever become cool that your kids speak a different language and not their own? That is stupid. 
    • I have a dream, that one day, parents will not transfer their personal insecurities to their kids. I'd admit that most parents do this subconsciously.
    • I have a dream, that one day, Fast-Food restaurants will have weight limits posted on their entrance. Like "only persons below 80 kgs are allowed in"
    • I have a dream, that one day, people who are out of shape will quit saying "I'm proud of my body" and rather do something about it. You weren't born like this so what is there to be proud of? You have a choice at something better so work for it. If you are short like I am, that is a different thing. "I'm short and I'm proud" all day, I don't have a damn choice, do I? 😃
    • I have a dream, that one day, men and women will not go through their partner's cell phone to see who he/she is talking to. What do you think they are, a robot? Of course, he or she talks to other humans beside you.
    • I have a dream, that one day, people will not take it personally when you don't respond to their calls or messages "on time". That they will understand that life doesn't revolve around them. That they'll understand that, there are other important aspects of your life you have to attend to. The same way they have important things to handle.
    • I have a dream, that one day, people will avoid stressing themselves over unimportant things. Most importantly, things they have no control over. 
    • I have a dream, that one day, people will no longer care about the falsehood others spread about them. People even spread lies about God. Yet, he's not striking them with thunder, is he?  He's happy and living his best life. So who are you to feel a way about the lies people tell about you. Let it go and keep being positive and keep pushing.
    That's all of my dreams and wishes, FOR NOW. Dr. King will be proud of me...........I think.

    Hope you enjoyed reading y'all...........LOVE ✌

    Oh wait, ONE more thing:

    • I have a dream that one day, skinny people will stop thinking they are healthy just because they are not overweight. Don't you hate it when you encourage a slim person to workout and she says "But I'm slim, what do I need to train for?". Umm, because the name of the place is called "GYM" not "FAT PEOPLE ONLY". Come on man!

                                                      ONE OF MY BIGGEST DREAMS


    "Crabs in a bucket"

    Doesn't it piss you off when people, especially YOUNG PEOPLE, say that on her Tshirt?
     WE SHOULD ALL WORK ON OURSELF ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. Whether you are rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, strong, weak or whatever. FAT AND PROUD?? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME 😃

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