Monday, July 18, 2011

you CAN'T COOK ?

So this was probably the one and ONLY time I was outwardly disrespectful to my Mum. I had come home late after work, starving, went straight to the kitchen and realized there was no food left for me. I asked her and she said  "I gave it out because I didn't know when you were coming"......"WHAT ?" I keep it short, lets just say ALL HELL BROKE LOSE. The kind of attitude I had shown her that night is the kind that would normally get my things thrown out of the house after a heavy beat-down...but surprisingly, she apologized and made me something really quickly. I bet she knew how important food was, especially after a long days work.

Now let me keep this as real as possible. "Do men love women who cook than those who don't"? YES. "Is the cliché saying that "The way to man's heart is through his stomach true?" YES IT ABSOLUTELY IS ONE OF THE THINGS. "Is it because a woman who cooks reminds a man of his Mum"? YES IT DOES. To make this simpler, men simply love women who cook because we know the family will be taken care of. Period !!

I love to eat and every man does too. The usual topic when women talk about men is Sex. Starve your man for days and see if he asks you for sex. I can promise you he will turn it down even if you donate it to him. Personally, there is nothing more attractive than a woman in the kitchen; a woman who can create all the things your stomach craves for and looks good while doing it.

With that being said, I believe its all about upbringing. Some men love the job of cooking. Perhaps they were brought up in that manner, that's great too. I say this because I know a lot of women after reading this will go like "Well, why dont you guys cook too?". My answers are, "Why aren't women obligated to open doors for men but men are? or "Why aren't women obligated to give their Jackets to men when its cold, but men are?" These are things a woman expects a man to do for whatever reason. They could care less that Leonardo DiCaprio died in the movie "TITANIC" doing that kinda thing. Every sex is obligated by 'society' to do things for one reason or the other. Fortunately or unfortunately cooking falls on your laps ladies. Besides, its sexy, romantic, gives you that motherly figure that every man wants, and it completes you as well. As statistics show, 70 % of women who are good cooks are good home keepers, believe it or not. At least my Mum and sisters are.

As we all know, the intangibles or 'little things' speak more than the tangibles in a person, and COOKING is the one of the best intangibles in my books (and millions of men out there) when it comes to women. So for y'all ladies out there who don't know how to hold a knife; (I could name a few people I went to college with), please GO VISIT GRANDMA, GET PATTI LABELLE's COOKBOOK, JOIN A COOKING CLASS, YOUTUBE IT... do something. YOU WILL GET YOURSELF A REAL MAN, like myself, ya dig ? Lol

Thanks for reading y'all..........LOVE 👌 !!


  1. it tho? You r right tho. Thanks for keeping it real.
    FYI.......I know some ladies that cant cook too... SMDH

  2. Seriously i think you shd charge gals for reading ur blog. All they to know to land themselves and keep a guy is right here in red, blue, black and many other colours. hahahahhahahahah. Let me conclude for u, play with a mans stomach and he can kill you for that hahahahahhaah
