Tuesday, January 8, 2013

MAMMA beat my ass - PART 2

Wow, its being a while, hasn't it? Man, I wanted to bring y'all part 2 of this post long ago but I run into some serious complications which I’ll let you in on…in another post. So where were we ?? Oh yeah, we were talking about how mum used to whoop my butt right? Let me tell you guys another interesting one. Part 2: Mamma Beat my Ass.

So when I younger, I was giving a chore to do everyday. I had to make sure the living room was clean in the mornings. Some sweeping, cleaning, dusting tables…stuff like that. I usually skipped the sweeping part since one couldn't tell if the carpet was swept or not. I usually just arranged the chairs, dusted a few things and called it a day. This had gone on for a while until one morning, while in the shower, I heard “THE CALL”. It went like “Herr Mubarak”. When Mum said “Herr” right before your name, you knew your ass was in trouble.

I quickly wiped myself, and got out of the shower half wet with my towel around my waist. I responded “Yes Maa” with the shakiest voice you'll probably ever hear. Why was I scared ?? The worst thing in the world is to get beat up very early in the morning. It messes up your entire day, plus I had school that morning. What bad timing L

So I met her at the living room. She had figured out that I hadn't been doing my job properly. I was ready for some screaming and mean mugging but that didn't happen, hmmm. Why didn't she get too mad?? Well, she had to leave for work early and really didn't have time to do any spanking or waste time on my mischievous self. I thought I had escaped this one until she said the most upsetting thing I've ever heard. She said “GO TO SCHOOL, BUT I WILL GIVE YOU YOUR BEATING IN THE EVENING WHEN I COME BACK”. I know that doesn't sound upsetting but I promise you, you don’t want to be told that at 7 am in the morning. My little sister even gave me a little smirk like “Boy, you are lucky” and was surprised that I looked even more upset. So why was I unhappy? HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO GO THROUGH AN ENTIRE DAY SMOOTHLY WHILE THINKING ABOUT THE ASS WHOOPING PROMISED ME AT THE END OF THE DAY? L

Maaan my whole day was messed up, shaken, uncomfortable, discombobulated...all the adjectives you can find. Boy I was in class the whole time thinking about what 'form and shape' the whooping will come in; “is it going to be with a belt, or a cane, or her hand?”, “how long is it going to take?”, “is she going to throw something at me?”, “how is it going to start?”, “how bad is it going to hurt?”. All these were running through my mind the entire time I was in school and after. I was dozing off in class, was inattentive, answering questions wrongly etc. Generally, I was a mess that day.

Now school was over and it was time to go home. I had to decide on how I would go home. “Should I get home early and prepare for the worst or should I stay around and get home late ?”, I thought. I finally decided to get home early before Mum does and sleep or at least pretend to sleep.

Around 4 pm she returned. I heard her voice from a mile away. I still hadn't slept, how could I ? “I have to start a fake snore and pretend to be so asleep so I can pretend not to hear her”, I decided. A couple of minutes later, she was in the house and she still hadn't called my name. Finally I heard her footsteps like she was coming towards the room. She opened the door, came in, stayed for a while and still didn't call. I thought my plan had worked to perfection. “Wow she didn't notice I was faking it”, I figured. I was so proud of myself. Now it started to get uncomfortable. I had been fake-sleeping for hours now and she still hadn't called. I felt like getting up since I was tired of lying on the bed in the same position and fake snoring the entire time. Do you know how hard it is to fake a snore for hours ? Harder than it sounds. Eventually I couldn't take it any longer and I had to “wake up”. I went out of the room and met her at the kitchen. I greeted her with the most innocent tone ever and she replied “ARE YOU DONE FAKE-SLEEPING?” and started smiling. I have never looked so stupid in my entire life, except the day I got hit by a bicycle while carrying some water on my head (that's a story for later guys). Then she said “You pretended to sleep just because I said I was going to beat you right?”. Of course I denied it, but it was obvious that my plan wasn't as genius as I had thought. It was actually a dumb one. She told me it would have been smarter if I had come home and finish up the job rather than wasting hours on "sleeping".

Like it was all over and done with, she then told me to go finish the job. "Damn, I thought she was going to let it slide this time"...I imagined. After that day, I did my job properly. I didn't want to go through all that hassle over some simple sweeping. I swept the carpet twice, dusted twice, arranged the chairs twice…….did everything twice from that day onward. 

That was a lesson. Its never too late to correct what you missed. At least make the effort J.


Thanks for reading y’all……ONE LOVE

Mamma with Paps (left) and Uncle

Somewhere in the States, probably China Town!!

Lazy cleaning gets you in trouble like it got me in trouble 

That's how I was fake sleeping y'all. no no !!

This was part of my job, dusting glasses and tables and stuff :(

Yeah she does, all the whooping proves it. hehe

One that day, I was sleeping in class like this kid 


  1. I like this Sani....Its very interesting. keep it coming man :)

  2. 9s piece man. it jst reminds me of samthn similar i went thru...

  3. ITs Really Nice Mubarak. In my case i get all the time father beating and mom just worn us or report to the father and than prevent us when father beat us. No LOVE Can be bigger stronger and PURE more than the LOVE of mother. MOM and DAD Love u :) IMRAN
